Friday, November 12, 2010

Room with a (world) view

Everyone has a worldview.

Yours includes your beliefs about God. God exists or He does not. Your worldview includes whether you believe in God, what you believe about God (His character), and the extent to which He influences your life. A Christian worldview holds that there is one true God who is personal, loving, just, infinite, self-revealing, all-powerful, all-knowing, ever present, self-existent, sovereign, and eternal.

Your worldview includes your beliefs about Mankind. We are inherently “good” or we are not. We are the purposeful creation of God or we are not. A Christian worldview sees Mankind as created in the likeness and image of God and as sinners in rebellion against God by nature and by choice.

Your worldview includes your beliefs about right and wrong; whether there are absolute rules governing human behavior. A Christian worldview recognizes the moral absolutes described in Scripture and lived by Jesus.

Your worldview includes your beliefs about the nature of knowledge. The scientific method is the only way we can “know” anything or it is not. A Christian worldview holds that God reveals Himself in creation (nature), the Bible, and supremely in His Son. A Christian worldview sees the universe operating in accordance with orderly natural laws but allows for supernatural intervention.

Your worldview includes your beliefs about the causes of and cures for mental suffering. Pain, suffering, and guilt have meaning and purpose or are unfortunate circumstances to be avoided at all costs. A Christian worldview holds that through pain we are refined and made more Christ-like. The Christian worldview believes that redemption and restoration make us “whole” but that “wholeness” does not necessarily equal ease and comfort.

Your worldview does not include your beliefs about college football. Some things are obvious. Go Dawgs!

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