Thursday, August 23, 2012

In the Pleistocene era...

In the Pleistocene era women were very selective about their mates. How's that working out?
In the Pleistocene era natural selection should have selected against dead-beat dads. What happened?
In the Pleistocene era our common ancestor was the first to dream. Dreaming was such a big benefit that today everyone does it.
In the Pleistocene era men became from Venus and women from Mars
In the Pleistocene era suicide evolved as a reproductive strategy for burdensome cavemen and women.
In the Pleistocene era everybody was a zombie.
In the Pleistocene era we had ancestors who were not scared of saber-toothed tigers. That didn't work out.
In the Pleistocene era the fear of snakes wasn't phobic.
In the Pleistocene era guys were better at reading maps.
In the Pleistocene era the motivation to bring flowers to sick people evolved.
In the Pleistocene era chicks favored guys who were good hunters.
In the Pleistocene era ancestors didn't think poop was stinky. They didn't have a reproductive advantage.
In the Pleistocene era the use of models who embodied reliable cues to fertility and reproductive value became hard-wired in advertiser's brains.
In the Pleistocene, genes started giving us warm & fuzzy feelings when we were around people who didn't kill us & steal our wives. Friendship.

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