Wednesday, January 4, 2017

What Did They Teach You In Psychology 101?

What did they teach you in psych 101
If you went to college, you probably took an introductory Psychology class – Psych 101. If your children go to college, they will probably take one too. But for students today, Psychology class will be very different than it was for you – way back when.

Today, students taking Psychology do so at a time predicted by Charles Darwin in the final chapter of The Origin of Species. Darwin described a new paradigm for understanding human psychology, an evolutionary paradigm that 150 years later dominates modern psychology.

Darwin predicted: “In the distant future I see open fields for far more important research. Psychology will be based on a new foundation, that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation. Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history.”

That is bold. That is the state of modern psychology today.

Tim Rice, DMin, LPC, wrote Homeschool Psych and Psychology: A Christian Perspective. He also teaches psycholgy from a Christian perpsective online live.

"My lectures go beyond the textbook. In class we look at psychology's content at the worldview level, adding a distinctly Christian perspective to the study of the human mind."

Students have two options. In both, students attend 15 online lectures (about 1 hour each) and participate in the class discussion (chat) about assigned readings. Click here to register or get more information.

In Option #1, the lecture only option, students attend lectures only. Dr. Rice doesn't give homework,assignments, or tests. He provides parents his Teachers' Guide for their use creating assignments. The cost for Option #1 is $100

In Option #2, the lectures, quizzes, essays, extra reading, and a grade option, Dr. Rice assigns 12 essays, 12 quizzes, 12 study guides, some extra reading, and 1 final exam. He assigns grades according to the syllabus. The cost for Option #2 is $200.

Payment is not due until the beginning of the third week of class. By then students know if the class is a good fit.

Orientation sessions happening for your invitation. During the orientation sessions Dr. Rice demonstrates the JigSaw interactive platform and explain what he means by a “Christian perspective” and how his psychology class differs from others.

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