Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I found a blog entry about Homeschool Psych at http://www.odonnellweb.com/?p=3953

The blogger wrote:

Apparently, Christian homeschoolers need special help preparing to deal with the shattering of their world view when forced to take Psych 101 in college. So of course there is somebody willing to sell gullible fundies a textbook and curriculum. Note that when he says “be prepared” he means be indoctrinated deeply enough that you will get through the course without learning anything that will damage your precious world view.

His approach seems to be modeled on the tactics of the Intelligent Design quacks in that he encourages Christians to embrace psychology and make it fit into a Christian world view. The idea that maybe, just maybe the scientists are right and the world view is wrong never enters the conversation.

If you aren’t willing to embrace both side of an argument you are wasting your time because you won’t learn anything. Maybe that is the point? Is Psych 101 at the typical college so powerful that it could wipe out 18 years of brainwashing? I went to an engineering school. We didn’t have to take Psych 101

My reply:

Hi Chris. I’m Dr. Tim. I wrote Homeschool Psych: Preparing Christian Homeschool Students for Psychology 101. Thanks for taking the time to visit my site and share your thoughts.

You make an excellent point when you write "If you aren't willing to embrace both sides of an argument you are wasting your time because you won't learn anything." I tried hard in the book to explain where modern psychology and a Christian worldview intersect. Worldviews are matters of faith not science. I think everyone needs to understand how worldviews influence the interpretation of scientific data (especially in the social sciences).

I expect my students to wrestle with scientific data that appears to conflict with a Christian worldview. Nobody likes a "gullible" fundie. I like my fundies to be thoughtful and well-informed.

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