Thursday, February 10, 2011


A reader challenged me on a statement I made on Specifically the sentence;

“College-level psychology courses generally presume that atheism, evolution, and humanism are indisputable settled science.”

The reader cautioned against putting the words atheism, humanism, indisputable, and science in the same sentence. He made good points.

The snippet on the web site is taken from Homeschool Psych. It reads:

“This text asserted earlier that introductory psychology courses would challenge your Christian worldview. A major component of the challenge (or ridicule) will be epistemological in nature. Psychology professors may assert their worldview assumptions as settled science and ridicule yours as naïve and immature. Unfortunately, your Christian brothers and sisters may challenge your study of psychology as evidence of your spiritual immaturity while asserting that their particular Biblical exegesis is a God-ordained indisputable truth for the ages.”

It’s interesting that when I originally wrote “indisputable,” my tongue was in the other cheek.

I’ve been thinking about re-wording. Here are some drafts.

“Some college psychology professors teach that science has proven that the basic tenants of atheism and abiogenetic evolution are true. “

“College-level psychology courses generally presume that atheism, abiogenetic evolution, and humanism are indisputable settled fact.”

“College-level psychology courses generally presume that atheism, abiogenetic evolution, and humanism are true, and theism, intelligent design, and religious values are false.”

What do you think?

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